The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation

The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation supports relations between the Poles and the Germans. For over 20 years, the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation has co-financed almost 15 000 common projects, thereby contributing to the foundations of Polish-German dialogue.

At the core of the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation activity is the conviction that the Poles and the Germans as the partners can jointly strive for a modern, open and socially just coexistence in the European Union. In this sense, both Poland and Germany create the community of shaping values. This community requires bilateral relations to take new dimension and quality and to include the European context.

The main goal of the Foundation is the support of valuable Polish-German cooperation. The Foundation in particular supports partnerships between Polish and German institutions, educational projects that propagate knowledge of Poland and Germany and of the Polish and German languages, scientific cooperation, and artistic and literary projects.

The Foundation also promotes study visits, scholarship programs, publications and debates. Both thanks to grants and the projects initiated by them the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation wishes to have an inspiring effect on Polish-German relations.

The Foundation lent its support to the Museum of the History of Polish Jews project as early as the 1990s, contributing to the development of its program goals and work on the Core Exhibition. In the following years it awarded grants for the development of the architectural design of the building as well as for the Museum’s program and educational activities.
