DEADLINE 15.10.2015

Artistic residencies in the Museum – Applications for 2016

Próba przed spektaklem. Aktorka i pracownicy techniczni na scenie.
fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN

POLIN Museum invites artists who would like to, during a three-week residency in Warsaw, carry out projects connected with Jewish heritage and multiculturalism to submit their applications by 15 October 2015.

The "Open Museum - Education in Action" programme, started at the beginning of 2014, allows Polish and foreign artists to prepare projects that relate to, history, and starting a dialogue with it. Artists also organise educational workshops for youth and adults and, employing active educational methods, involve the people of Warsaw in their efforts.

The results of all the projects organised in Warsaw will be displayed as part of an exhibition summing up the current residency programme which will be opened on 25 February 2016. Works by the following artists, and two more selected due to this call, will be presented during the exhibition: Luísa Nóbrega, Eliane Esther Bots, Konrad Smoleński and Noa Shadur, Tamara Moyzes and Shlomi Yaffe, Jasmine Bakalarz, Itay Ziv, Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, Hubert Czerepok, Florencia Levy, Asli Çavuşoğlu, together with Simone De Iacobis and Małgorzata Kuciewicz from the CENTRALA group, as well as Lukas Ligeti. All of the works created so far – video works, sound works, photographic works, public art projects and performances – are related to Presence, Absence, and Traces. Those are the starting points for projects prepared by the artists in residence.

The exhibition will be discussing contemporary Jewish identity, contemporary Jewish communities in Poland, and the Jewish minority. We will talk about memory, including places of memory, ways of commemoration, social memory, and personal memory.

As we wish to include one of the projects (residency that will take place on the dates: 29 February - 20 March 2016) in the exhibition in February-March 2016 that will summarize the residency programme, it should be possible to perform one of the projects during the exhibition. Either as a durational art project or as a performance accompanying the exhibition.

Recruitment for the last two residencies as part of the programme ends on 15 October 2015. Residencies will take place on two dates:

  • 7 - 27 January 2016
  • 29 February - 20 March 2016

The Museum offers: refund of travel costs, accommodation, half board, workshop materials and an artist’s fee, as well as help and support from the project team.

Detailed regulations of the residency

Application form

Contact and more information: [email protected]

You can find out more about the project “Open Museum – Education in Action” under the following link.

The activity “Open Museum – Education in Action” is carried out within the project “Jewish Cultural Heritage”, component “Faces of Diversity”. Supported from the Norway and EEA Grants by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.,
More about "Jewish Cultural Heritage" project