
Family Stories – a film screening and a walk

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fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

Each family has a history, its own ways of constructing family narratives, its own identity dilemmas. What if this is the family of the Kocker Rebe, considered one of the most eminent tzaddikim from Poland, the famed Menachem Mendl Morgenstern? A group of students from Poland and Israel decided to give it a go. 

  • 17 September (Sunday), 2 PM, we meet at the main hall, free admission

During 10 days of workshops realised as part of the Polish-Israeli Youth Exchange (PIYE) 2017, the students used the genealogical databases available at the POLIN Museum Resource Centre. They studied archival documents and went for a study tour to Kock. We will be able to find out about the results of their work this coming Sunday, 17 September! 2PM-4:30PM, a film screening (ca 30 mins) and a walk (ca 2h)

The event will be held in Polish and English.

The event will feature a short film showing the story of the Warsaw business shark, who is trying to restore Kock to his former glory. He decides to bring in Jews there who once were important parts of the Kock community, boosting the economic and demographic development of the city.
Then, around 2:30 pm we will go for a fascinating walk through Warsaw, learning about the history and everyday life of the Jews in the capital. We will start the tour from the history of the Ghetto Heroes Monument. Then we will go to the Jewish cemetery, where we will learn how a burial ceremony in the Jewish tradition takes place. The last point of the tour will be significant places in the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto.

ATTENTION! ALL OF YOU INTERESTED IN DISCOVERING FAMILY STORIES! On the same day, at 10.30 PM – 2PM, a special Info Point manned by the students of the Polish-Israeli exchange will be in operation at the Museum. There, you will have a chance to get acquainted with the work at the Resource Centre and with its resources. We encourage all of you to come visit!

To learn more about the Polish-Israeli Youth Exchange PIYE 2017, please CLICK HERE >>