Artistic residencies

Finissage of the residence: Jasmine Bakalarz

Kobieta wygłasza wykład.
fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

We invite general public to the final presentation of the project by Jasmine Bakalarz, the artist-in-residence of the programme “Open Museum – Education in Action”. During the three-week-long work in Warsaw, the photographer has been creating a series of portraits of contemporary Jews. Bakalarz wants to show what Warsaw Jews identify with today and how a diverse community they create.

Jasmine Bakalarz works in Centro Cultural de la Memoria Haroldo Conti in Buenos Aires (Haroldo Conti Cultural Centre for Memory) located on the former site of ESMA – The Navy School of Mechanics. Today the place is devoted to memory and education. Bakalarz works in the photography section and develops the archive, prepares exhibitions and runs workshops.

The meeting with the artist will be hosted by Iwona Kurz, PhD, Deputy Director of the Institute of Polish Culture of the University of Warsaw.

>> More about the Jasmine Bakalarz’s residency

November 3, 6.00 p. m. Admittance free. The meeting will be in English with simultaneous translation into Polish.

Supported from the Norway and EEA Grants by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.,
More about "Jewish Cultural Heritage" project