
Poland as seen by young Israelis

Gwiazda Dawida na tle kamiennych nagrobków.
fot. flickr/PolandMFA, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

We invite you to take part in a cycle of events which will look at the modern-day Israel, the links between Israel and Poland, and mutual inspirations reflected in cultural and artistic projects.

The guests of the discussion will be students from Israel who take part in Polish Intercultural Youth Encounters (PIYE), the Museum’s oldest project. During the meeting we will talk about the image of Poland prevailing in Israel and confront that image with the actual experience of PIYE participants. After the discussion, a meeting with all participants of previous PIYE editions will be held.

Details: 28 August, at 6:00 p.m. Admission free. The meeting will be held in English with interpreting into Polish.


The cycle of events entitled ‘Familiar-Foreign-Other: the Museum tackling Stereotypes’ is conducted under the ‘Jewish Cultural Heritage’ project, a component of ‘Faces of Diversity’.

Organised with the support of the Norway and EEA Grants from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.,


Kontynent Warszawa - logotyp
