
TISH Festival: Here You Can Buy and Eat Everything – a culinary walk

Stragan z kapustą, kilka osób wybiera warzywa dla siebie
fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

During this urban walk, we will talk about Jewish culinary customs and about shops and restaurants in pre-WW2 Warsaw. In the interwar period, Jewish women often wandered where to buy the best-quality vegetables, kasha or meat.

We will try to answer their questions by walking in the footsteps of non-existent bazaars, shops and butcher stores. We will also locate places on the map where one could bump into gefilte fish or stuffed goose necks’ lovers.

Participants of the walk will have an opportunity to find out what dishes are hidden behind the names that have survived until today. Are they served at any restaurant or bar today? Or, perhaps, some of the places we are talking about still exist? You will learn this and much more during our culinary walk.