
Farewell to a Friend of the Museum

Czarno-białe zdjęcie przedstawia Krzysztofa Opawskiego.
fot. Saski Partners

It is with deep regret that we learned of the passing of Mr. Krzysztof Opawski, for many years a member of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews Development Committee, bringing together businesspeople. He promoted the Museum among the Polish business community with great personal engagement. We bid farewell to our Friend and Goodwill Ambassador.

Krzysztof Opawski served as Minister of Infrastructure in Marek Belka’s government; he was also president of the supervisory board of PKP SA, Orzeł Biały and Sfinks, a member of the KGHM supervisory board, and founder of the consulting firm Saski Partners. He was born on June 20, 1950. Mr. Opawski obtained his PhD from the University of Łódź. He also studied in Switzerland at the University of Zurich. In 1990-1992 he headed projects to develop entrepreneurship in Poland for the Center for International Private Enterprise in Washington. In 1991-1994 he served as president of the Bank Śląski supervisory council, in 1994-1995 as the president of the supervisory board of Próchnik, and in 2002-2004 as the president of the Warsaw Stock Exchange board.