
The first artist in residence at the Museum

In the first stage of enrollment for the programme of artists in residence Open Museum – Education in Action, Museum of the History of Polish Jews received several dozen applications from all over the world, i.e. from Finland, Spain, Israel, the United States, Germany, Turkey, Czech Republic, Italy and India.

We will welcome Luísa Nóbrega from Brasil as our first guest. During the three weeks of residence between April 29 and May 18, 2014 she will work on the project which received the highest note at the session of Museum jury, which consisted of:

  • Ewa Chomicka – head of the Adult Education Section
  • Agnieszka Pindera – education specialist
  • Zygmunt Stępiński – deputy director
  • Tamara Sztyma – curator of the exhibitions.

Luísa Nóbrega is a Brazilian performance artist, graduated in philosophy at the University of São Paulo. She performed during numerous events in Brazil and abroad: in Spain, Uruguay,  Colombia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Russia and France. For more information visit:

Luísa  Nóbrega’s project is based on an installation comprising traces of over a dozen of artist’s “invisible” actions in public spaces. Through her activity the performer pertains to, amongst other things, limitations of historical studies and of the language of modern poetry.

The artists in residence program will allow the Museum to welcome 13 artists from Poland and from abroad, who through their work engage in the subject of Jewish heritage and multiculturalism. During three week long residences the artists will develop their ideas and conduct educational workshops for youth and for adults. We will soon announce recruitment for the subsequent residences – for more information please click here.

The results of the first residence are coming soon – don’t miss it.

The activity “Open Museum – Education in Action” is carried out within the project “Jewish Cultural Heritage”, component “Faces of Diversity”.

Organised with the support of the Norway and EEA Grants from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.,

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