
2022 POLIN Award: We know the names of the finalists – press release

Logo Nagrody POLIN 2022 - na cętkowanym kolorowym tle symbol statuetki przyznawanej laureatom.
fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

On 30 November, the POLIN Award granted by POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews to individuals, organizations or institutions actively engaged in the preservation of the memory of the history of Polish Jews will be presented for the eighth time. From 117 applications from all across Poland, the competition’s jury has selected six finalists. The name of 2022 POLIN Award laureate will be announced during a formal gala held at the Museum and broadcast via the institution’s social media. The overall sum of financial awards to be distributed among the finalists exceeds 70,000 PLN.

Materiały prasowe:

  1. Press release [.docx] >>
  2. Photos of nominees [.zip, .jpg] >>
  3. Promotional graphics [.zip, .jpg] >>

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Kontakt dla mediów:

Biuro prasowe Muzeum POLIN
Marta Dziewulska
Kierowniczka Biura Prasowego/Rzeczniczka Prasowa
[email protected]
Kom. +48 604 464 675