Statement concerning the antisemitic behavior of MP Grzegorz Braun
On December 12, 2023, MP Grzegorz Braun of the Konfederacja party attacked the Hannukah menorah, symbol of the joyful Jewish holiday, during a debate on the establishment of a new Polish government. This shameful attack is not the first incident involving this politician, who does not hide his antisemitic views. However, they did not prevent him from obtaining a mandate in free and democratic elections.
We, representatives of organizations and institutions working to protect their heritage, and people involved in Polish-Jewish dialogue, strongly condemn the behavior of MP Grzegorz Braun and anyone who will try to make political capital from this heinous act. We do not agree to tolerate antisemitic attitudes and statements in public spaces, and especially in the parliament of a country whose three million Jewish citizens were murdered during the Holocaust for racist and antisemitic reasons.
Hanukkah is a joyful holiday that illuminates the darkness and gives hope. Yesterday, when we saw the ceremony in the Polish Parliament being disrupted, we felt alone and rejected again for a moment. But only for a moment. Immediately after this event, we noticed that in all the confusion there were people who stood up for light and righteousness. In particular, we express our gratitude to Mrs. Magdalena Gudzińska-Adamczyk, who was the first to oppose Grzegorz Braun's attack, as well as to Marshal Szymon Hołownia and the Presidium of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland for a quick and unambiguous reaction, and to all political forces that condemned this act. At the same time, due to the wave of antisemitism growing in the world today, we appeal to the entire political class, from the right to the left, to respond decisively to all its manifestations in public life.
Piotr Wiślicki, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Zygmunt Stępiński, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland
Marian Turski, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland / POLIN Museum Council
Nili Amit, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Małgorzata Andrychowicz
Urszula Antosz-Rekucka, Sztetl Mszana Dolna Foundation
Samantha Rolat Asulin, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Robert Augustyniak, Grodzisk Mazowiecki
Anna Bakuła-Wasilewska, Warsaw Jewish Community
Artur Bara, The Bilgoraj Cultural Association of Issak Bashevis Singer
Paweł Bajerlein
Anna Bando, the Polish Association of the Righteous Among the Nations
Natalia Bartczak
Ireneusz Bednorz, Forum for Dialogue
Dorota Bida, Museum of the Chełm Land of W. Ambroziewicz in Chełm
Michał Bojanowski, "Chidusz" Magazine
Anna Brzyska, "Pamięć i dialog. Wspólna historia" Association
Aleksandra Bura
Hilda Chazanovitz, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Marek Chmielewski, Sołectwo Orla
Piotr M. A. Cywiński, Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation
Monika Czub, Forum for Dialogue
Mariusz Czuj, on his own behalf
Kamila Dąbrowska, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland / HIAS Poland
Piotr Dąbrowski, Nobiscum Foundation
Jacek Dereżyński, Forum for Dialogue
Anna Dodziuk, Jewish Community of Warsaw
Patrycja Dołowy, JCC Warszawa
Magda Dorosz, Hillel Polska Foundation
Jolanta Drab
Agnieszka Dulęba-Wołodkiewicz, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Bartosz Dymarek, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Agata Fijuth-Dudek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
Joanna Fikus, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Andrzej Folwarczny, Forum for Dialogue
Artur Franczak, Sądecki Sztetl Association
Irena French, Museum of Cieszyn Silesia
Andrzej Friedman, B'nai B'rit Poland
Anita Friedman, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Bartosz Gajdzik, Forum for Dialogue
Bożena Gajewska
Marcin Golebicki, EP Solutions
Izabela Grocholski, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Marcin Grynberg, Puszke Foundation
Andrzej Grzegorczyk
Marcin Halicki, Raczkowskie Archiwalia
Dariusz Horodecki, Orla Synagogue
Agnieszka Jabłońska, Urban Memory Foundation, Wrocław
Teresa Jabłońska, Forum for Dialogue
Przemek Jaczewski, Abraham Gamzu Association
Agnieszka Jaczyńska, ISLO in Zamość
Karolina Jakoweńko, Brama Cukermana Foundation
Helena Jakubowicz, Jewish Religious Community of Kraków
Marcin Jasik
Tomek Jędrczak, Życie Żydowskie Foundation
Marian Kalwary, Association of Jewish Combatants and Victims of World War II
Danuta Karczewska
Sylwia Kędzierska-Jasik, Jewish Community of Warsaw
Kamil Kijek, Department of Jewish Studies, Wrocław University
Andrzej Kirmiel, Museum of the Międzyrzecz Land
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Teresa Klimowicz, Studnia Pamięci Association
Kamil Kmak, Saga Grybów Association
Robert Kobylarczyk, Primary School Nr 1 of Wł. Jagiełło in Tuszyn
Tomasz Kocur, AntySchematy 2 Foundation
Sergiusz Kowalski, B'nai B'rit Poland
Maciej Kozłowski, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Agnieszka Kraińska, Forum for Dialogue
Maciej Krajewski, Łazęga Poznańska Association
Tomasz Krakowski, Koszer Polska Foundation
Monika Krawczyk, Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute
Jolanta Krawczykiewicz, Słupsk Cultural Center
Damian Kruczkowski, Municipal Public Library of Zofia Urbanowska in Konin
Ewa Krychniak, " 4 kultury Sokółki" Association
Dariusz Kubalski, Staszów Cultural Society
Jan Kutnik, "Studnia Pamięci" Association
Bernard Kwapinski, White Stone Development
Piotr Kwapisiewicz, Czulent Jewish Association
Klaudia Kwiecińska, Donersztik in Jendrzew. An initiative to remembrance of the Jewish Jędrzejów
Lucy Lisowska, Center for Civic Education Poland Israel
Narcyz Listkowski, The History of Rabka Team
Katarzyna Liszka, Wrocław University
Michał Lorenc
Katarzyna Łaziuk, Forum for Dialogue
Beata Łuczak
Elżbieta Magenheim, Życie Żydowskie Foundation
Janusz Makuch, Jewish Culture Festival in Kraków
Grażyna Majer, Jewish Community of Warsaw
Maria Dąbrowska-Majewska, Zmiana Foundation
Weronika Majewska, Zmiana Foundation
Michał Majewski, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Cantor Joseph Malovany, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Inga M. Marczyńska, Forum for Dialogue
Joanna Maria, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Warsaw
Agnieszka Markiewicz, American Jewish Committee Central Europe
Victor Markowicz, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Katarzyna Markusz,
Wojtek Mazan
Agnieszka Michalak-Hille, Forum for Dialogue
Wojciech Michał
Marcin Mikołajczyk, III High School in Łomża
Anna Moniewska, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Pawel Moras, Warsaw Tourism Office
Kamil Mrozowicz, Memorial Site in Jedwabne
Urszula Mróz
Agnieszka Mysakowska, Szlakiem Wieluńskich Żydów
Marek Nowakowski, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Wojciech Olejniczak, TRES Foundation
Katarzyna Olfier-Halicka
Jan Ordyński, Journalism Society / Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Jonathan Ornstein, JCC Kraków
Eliza Panek, Jewish Community of Warsaw
Łukasz Parus, Lider of Forum for Dialogue
Barbara Pendzich, Taube Department of Jewish Studies, University of Wrocław
Shana Penn, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Jakub Petelewicz, Polish Center for Holocaust Research, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Bartosz Piechowicz, HIAS Poland
Marcin Pisula, Puławy County Council / Forum for Dialogue
Irene Kronhill Pletka, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Sławomir Poleszak, ISP PAN, "Brama Grodzka – Theater NN" Center in Lublin
Elżbieta Polończyk-Moskal, Memorial Committee "Mykwa" in Dobczyce
Marta Prochwicz, Swedish Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Krzysztof Przybyłowicz, Information Center about the Former Israelite Commune of Biecz, based in Libusza
Radosław Ptaszyński, Jewish Przysucha Association
Andrzej Puchalski, Orla Synagogue
Adam Puławski, "Brama Grodzka – Theater NN" Center in Lublin
Agata Radkowska-Parka, "Studnia Pamięci" Association
Aleksander Ratz, Swedish Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Damian Rączka, Synagogue in Fordon Foundation – Cultural Center
Mirosław Reczko, The Waga Brothers Łomża Scientific Society
Steven D. Reece, The Matzevah Foundation
Marek Rekucki, Sztetl Mszana Dolna Foundation
Krzysztof Renik, Orla Synagogue
Roman Rewald, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Milos Reznik, German Historical Institute Warsaw
Rafał Rogulski, European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
Andrzej Rojek, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Sigmund A. Rolat, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Lena Rubenfeld, FestivALT Association
Anita Rucioch-Gołek, coordinator of "Zbąszyński Balagan", principal of the Primary School of Arkady Fiedler in Zbąszyń
Michał Rucki, Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage
Urszula Rybicka, Żydoteka Foundation
Marta Saracyn, JCC Warsaw
Stuart Schear, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Rabbi Arthur Schneier, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Jacek Sech, Forum for Dialogue, Polish Historical Society
Izabela Sekulska, Mayn Shtetele Mielec
Magdalena Semczyszyn, ISP PAN
Mirosław Skrzypczyk
Ireneusz Socha, Dembitzer Music
Wojciech Soczewica, Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation
Mariusz Sokołowski, Otwarta Edukacja Foundation
Remigiusz Sosnowski, Jewish Community of Warsaw
Jolanta Sroczyńska-Pietz, Atut Foundation
Albert Stankowski, Warsaw Ghetto Museum
Jacek Stawiski, Galicia Jewish Museum
Jerzy Stelmach, Forum for Dialogue
Dawid Stępniewski, Pabianicki Sztetl
Dariusz Stola, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Katarzyna Sudaj, Atut Foundation
Katarzyna Suszkiewicz, Galicia Jewish Museum
Michał Szaflarski, Jewish Czarny Dunajec
Elizabeth Szancer, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Anna Szcześniak, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Jagoda Szkarłat, Forum for Dialogue
Alina Świdowska, Association of „Children of the Holocaust” in Poland
Zbigniew Talaga, Association of Ireneusz Ślipek for Polish-Jewish dialogue in Warta
Ewa Teleżyńska-Sawicka, The Memory of Treblinka Foundation
Wojciech Tworek, Department of Jewish Studies, Wrocław University
Tomek Ulatowski, POLIN Museum Distinguished Benefactor
Jerzy B. Warman, American Friends of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Tomasz Wiśniewski, Association of the Białystok Jewish Museum
Anna Włodek, Gliwicka 66 Association
Marcin Wodzinski, Taube Department of Jewish Studies, University of Wrocław
Witold Wrzosiński, Jewish Community of Warsaw
Damian Wutke, Open Republic – Association against Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia
Mariusz Zajączkowski, Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Anna Ziarkowska, Ogród Sprawiedliwych Foundation
Anna Zielińska, Czulent Jewish Association
Kristof Zorde, Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Magdalena Zykiert