dr Jan Kulczyk
Polish entrepreneur born in 1950 in Bydgoszcz. The founder of Kulczyk Holding, with its headquarters in Warsaw, and of the international investment group Kulczyk Investments (formerly Kulczyk Investment House), with its headquarters in Luxembourg and offices in Dubai, London and Kiev.
Jan Kulczyk has topped the list of the richest Poles for many years and is considered one of the most influential businessmen in East-Central Europe. He holds a PhD in international law and is a graduate of the University of Poznań Faculty of Law and of the Poznań University of Economics (International Trade). He is a member of the Domestic and Foreign Investors Council chaired by the President of Ukraine, and of the elite International Advisory Board of the think-tank Atlantic Council. In 2010, he founded the CEED Institute – a platform promoting the achievements of new EU member states. He has served as President of the Board of Directors of Green Cross International since 2007. He was the co-founder and for many years the president of the Polish Business Roundtable. He also chaired the Polish-German Chamber of Commerce for several years and now serves as its Honorary Chairman. In 2005-2007, he presided over the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce. He is a founding member of the EU-Ukraine Commercial Council with its headquarters in Brussels.
Distinguished Benefactor of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, with his gift of 20 million PLN towards the production of the Core Exhibition in 2012 – the largest single gift received by the Museum from a private donor. Laureate of the prestigious Kisiel Prize (1992), decorated with the Order of Polonia Restituta for his contributions to the Jasna Góra monastery. Laureate of the Mecenas Kultury award conferred by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage for his support to the Museum of the History of Polish Jews and other initiatives. In October 2013, he was the first entrepreneur in the world to be honored by the government of Nigeria with the Friend of Nigeria award. This was a way of recognizing his contribution to the economic development of the African country as well as promoting and building business relationships between Nigeria and Poland.
For me, the Museum of the History of Polish Jews is a moral compass. It shows us the way to truth. It teaches us that there are no shortcuts without tolerance, respect, and forgiveness. It reminds us about the obligation to leave a trace of all that we value when we are no longer here. The Museum of the History of Polish Jews charts the course of human fate. It honors those who died by remembering how they lived.
- www.rp.pl - Kulczyk Holding wspiera Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich
- www.blogs.wsj.com - Big donations for Museum of the History of Polish Jews
- www.haaretz.com - Museum of Polish Jews wins crucial donations
- www.mkidn.gov.pl - Zakończono zbieranie funduszy na wystawę główną Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich
- www.jewishmuseum.org.pl - Znamienity Darczyńca Muzeum laureatem nagrody ministra kultury
- www.biznes.pl - Jan Kulczyk uhonorowany tytułem „Przyjaciel Nigerii”