
Heaven in Auschwitz - film directed by Aaron and Esther Cohen, 2016

Niebo w Auschwitz, reż. Aaron i Esther Cohen, 2016
Niebo w Auschwitz, reż. Aaron i Esther Cohen, 2016

The authors of the documentary follow the fate of thirteen Holocaust Survivors who lived in Czechoslovakia before the war.

  • 23 January, 7 PM, free admission, language: Polish

When the war broke out, their childhood was shattered as they were sent to the Theresienstadt Ghetto, followed by the deportation to the Auschwitz camp towards the end of 1943. The Survivors reminisce on their wartime lives, including, in particular, their Jewish guardian – Fredy Hirsch, who tried to protect them against the brutality and ruthlessness of the death camp through art and sports.