
Hideouts: The Architecture of Survival

A silver object from Hideouts exhibition by Natalia Romik.
Cast from the The Verteba cave with inscription ‘Ha-Shomer’, photo: Daniel Chrobak, Zachęta National Gallery of Art

Together with Koffler Arts, we are proud to present a lecture by Dr. Natalia Romik.

  • March 26, 7:00 pm
  • Koffler Arts, 180 Shaw St, Toronto, ON M6J 2W5, Canada
  • Sign up here →

In this illustrated lecture, Natalia Romik presents her artistic tribute to the hiding places that Jews improvised in tree hollows, wardrobes, urban sewers, caves, empty graves, and other precarious locations in their efforts to survive the Holocaust in Poland and Ukraine. Hideouts: The Architecture of Survival  both documents and honors their creativity. The results of the research (documentary films, forensic recordings, photographs, documents, and objects found in the hiding places) are juxtaposed with silver castings made at these sites.

Dr. Romik is a public historian, architect, and artist. Her work focuses on Jewish memory and Holocaust commemoration in Eastern Europe, particularly Poland and Ukraine. She has collaborated as a curator and exhibition designer at POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews. She is a winner of the 2022 Dan David Prize, the largest prize in the field of history in the world.


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