
Indifference – a discussion accompanying the Estranged. March ’68 and Its Aftermath exhibition

Obojętność, dyskusja, Obcy w domu. Wokół Marca '68
fot. E. Turlejska

How is it possible that some people barely noticed the March events? Did they choose not to, or it was a sort of self-defence mechanism? Where did this detachment originate - from fear, indifference, psychological repression or selfishness? How did important institutions such as the Catholic Church react at the time?

  • 24 May (Thursday), 6PM, language: PL, free admission

Discussion, chaired by Katarzyna Surmiak-Domańska, with participation of psychotherapist Zofia Milska-Wrzosińska, professor of sociology Ireneusz Krzemiński, historian Alina Cała, emigrant Ala Elczewska and Jesuit Wacław Oszajca.