
POLIN Choir: a musical performance at the Gdynia – Tel Aviv exhibition

Chór POLIN na wystawie "Gdynia - Tel Awiw" - uczestnicy przedstawienia przechodzą przez przestrzeń wystawy
Chór POLIN na wystawie "Gdynia - Tel Awiw", fot. M. Starowieyska / Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

A musical performance which serves as a commentary to the exhibition’s leading motifs. Through music, choreography and visual art staged in the exhibition area, the performance will enter into a dialogue about the chief ideas of the modernist thinking on architecture, art and society.

  • 31 January (Friday), 7PM, SOLD OUT
  • 1 February (Saturday), 8.15PM, tickets: 10 PLN / 15 PLN, BUY TICKET >>
  • 2 February (Saturday), 8.15PM, tickets: 10 PLN / 15 PLN, BUY TICKET >>