20-22 April 2015

International conference “Interculturalism in historical education”

Grafika promująca konferencję Interculturalism in historical education.
fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN

>> First day of the conference

>> Second day of the conference

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews is pleased to invite participants to the international conference “Interculturalism in historical education.” The conference is organized in partnership with the European Wergeland Center in Norway and with support from the Council of Europe. The conference will take place on 20-22 April 2015.

The conference will address the question of how to use knowledge and reflection about the past to build attitudes of openness in today’s globalizing world and harness the potential of diversity on the local level.

We will look at methods of intercultural learning, civic education and education on human rights, with a focus on how to use education to prevent and combat discrimination, anti-Semitism, racism and hate speech.

We invited scholars conducting research on interculturalism and intercultural education, as well as practitioners – museum professionals, representatives of non-governmental organizations and cultural institutions, educators, teachers, those conducting projects in the field of multi- and interculturalism, as well as all those interested in the subject.

The conference program will comprise lectures, panel discussions, films and workshops. The lectures and panel discussions will be conducted by invited experts from Poland and abroad. Workshops will be conducted by experts and activists who submitted their proposals in response to an open call.

Registration was open until 31 March. Thank you for great interest in our conference. Applicants were registered on a first-come-first-served basis and informed about result via e-mail.

Program and detailed information available at:

Supported from the Norway and EEA Grants by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway,