
More than 2.5 million participants in the POLIN Museum’s Jewish Cultural Heritage program.

More than 2.5 million participants in the POLIN Museum’s Jewish Cultural Heritage program supported by Norway and EEA Grants during the last two years.

The Jewish Cultural Heritage program’s goal is to promote tolerance and help to prepare young people for life in today’s multicultural society. It is dedicated to school children and youth, teachers and educators, as well as people and communities across Poland with limited access to culture. It is carried out in cooperation with the following Norwegian institutions: HL-Senteret, the European Wergeland Center, Falstad Center, the Jewish museums of Oslo and Trondheim.

The following figures show the projects with the greatest impact:

  • 430,000 school students participated in educational activities at the Museum or online
  • 1,500 workshops, walking tours, and meetings with witnesses of history for schools
  • 50 teachers form Museum’s network of Ambassadors across Poland
  • 80,000 visitors to the Museum on Wheels travelling exhibit
  • Over 1,200 volunteers and 850 schools took part in the Daffodil Educational and Social Campaign
  • 2 million users of the Virtual Shtetl website,
  • 170,000 users of the Polish Righteous website,

The Jewish Cultural Heritage programme includes a variety of initiatives such as:

  • Museum on Wheels, a mobile educational exhibition;
  • Programmes for schools at all levels;
  • Daffodils, a social educational campaign;
  • portals: Virtual Shtetl and The Polish Righteous;
  • Adult education including workshops, debates and lectures;
  • Oral history programme;
  • Temporary and virtual exhibitions.

We are planning to continue most of the projects in the Jewish Cultural Heritage programme and to develop a large education platform Jewish Warsaw, produce a series of videos about the history and culture of Polish Jews for schools and organise an international conference on the Projects to Preserve the Jewish Cultural Heritage in Europe

Supported from the Norway and EEA Grants by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
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