
2019 POLIN AWARD Nominees: Krystyna Szter

Nominowani do Nagrody POLIN 2019: Krystyna Szter. Na zdjęciu Krystyna Szter siedzi za stołem z brodą podparta na dłoni. Na stole przedmioty związane z kulturą żydowską, np. menora. W tle stary kredens.
Nominowani do Nagrody POLIN 2019: Krystyna Szter. Na zdjęciu Krystyna Szter siedzi za stołem z brodą podparta na dłoni. Na stole przedmioty związane z kulturą żydowską, np. menora. W tle stary kredens, fot. M. Starowieyska / Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

Krystyna Szter as President of the Pojezierze Social-Cultural Association, the Barczewo branch, she has been caring for the Barczewo synagogue for the past seven years.

She is actively involved in the collection of memorabilia relating to the life of Polish Jews in Warmia and preserves the memory of their former owners. From April until October, each year, she guides those interested around the synagogue and talks passionately about the local Jewish community.

As part of a project, she funded forty-nine bricks in the synagogue, bearing the names of Barczewo Jewish families who perished during the War. In 2017, Krystyna Szter found matzevot in the Barczewo Jewish cemetery and created a lapidarium at the synagogue.

In addition to these projects, she creates other projects, aimed at the residents of Barczewo and the region, as well as at tourists, both local and from abroad, creating an awareness of the shared history of the Christians and the Jews of Barczewo.