Donations for the statutory objectives of POLIN Museum

One of the ways to support the Museum is through private individuals’ donations for our statutory goals.

Donations made in this way are used to realise projects which do not have their own sources of funding. Thus, we can learn about and preserve the 1000-year-old history of Polish Jews and, more importantly, learn together about openness and tolerance.

We use the donations to, among others, look after our collection, develop educational programs and cultural projects.

Should you wish to support POLIN Museum operation and help us further develop our program, please make a transfer to the account number:

07 1140 1010 0000 2364 9900 1001 

IBAN: PL 07 1140 1010 0000 2364 9900 1001
Prosta 18 Street, 00-850 Warszawa

In the payment reference please write: "Donation for POLIN Museum statutory objectives"

Thank you for your help!