
POLIN Meeting Point – Summer Education School – is happening!

fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN

The second edition of the international Polin Meeting Point – Summer Education School, directed to university students from Poland, Germany and Israel, has started at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews on Sunday, July 17.

The program is dedicated to university students who are interested in intercultural dialogue and research into the history of the postwar period from a comparative perspective, and who want to learn how to work with oral history material and develop their interpersonal skills. POLIN Museum’s interdisciplinary summer program provides opportunities for discussion amongst participants and with invited lecturers from each of the countries. Students will discover different intellectual perspectives on the postwar period in the course of workshops and lectures as well as visits to POLIN Museum’s Core Exhibition, and memorial sites and other museums across Poland.

Last year, in the previous edition of Polin Meeting Point, we asked about how we remember the end of World War II. This year we will focus on the topic of postwar reconstruction, the emergence of a new, postwar identity in Poland and Germany, and the construction of Israeli statehood. Together with invited experts from Poland, Germany and Israel participants will discuss the rebirth of Jewish communities, dealing with Holocaust trauma, postwar violence and various postwar debates.

The edition “After the War” will be finished with special concluding meeting which will take place on Sunday, July 31

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The implementation of the project is possible due to the support of Nissenbaum Family Foundation.



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